Management Profile
Melinda Easterling, the chief executive of Easterling Consulting, has been studying adult health and wellness since 1995. She studied business in healthcare while specializing in health behavior and health education for her graduate degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
In the late 1990s she worked on Crisis and Suicide Hotlines in South Carolina and Indiana. She interned both at the Medical University of South Carolina and at the North Carolina Council for Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities/Substance Abuse Programs. She was introduced to a mindfulness class in 2004 and worked individually with clients pro bono and for pay years later, coaching them and writing visualizations for them to find relief. Building Meditation Rooms is just an extension of all of these experiences, insights and training.
Easterling Consulting is not just redesigning and redefining office space to create a Meditation Room, we are creating a better working environment.
We help you create a healthier environment and foster a competitive and thriving enterprise.
American businesses are always competing with other countries to be the best, and this is the answer.
It is not “The Secret,” or “The Purple Pill,” but it is as Samsung says, “The Next Big Thing.”
We are building for the future, one company, one room at a time.