What if a visit to the doctor looked like this…
Sally: Dr. Martin, I have headaches all the time; and now I’m depressed.
Doctor (after a full history and exam has revealed no life-threatening issues): Sally, this is what I recommend: Every day, regardless of the weather, spend 30 minutes walking outside and observing the nature around you, eat at least 2 fresh vegetables, drink at least 3 glasses of water, listen to your favorite music for 20 minutes, write 3 things that you’re grateful for, close your eyes and focus only on deep breathing for 15 minutes and have fun with friends at least once per week and come back and see me in 30 days when I know you’ll feel better.
Likewise, what if a visit to your boss looked like this…
Bob (employee): John (boss), I can’t get this done today.
John: Bob, you need some good mojo. Put your computer on sleep mode, take a walk, enjoy the sunshine, sit under a tree, meditate for 30 minutes and come back after a great lunch when you’ll have a fresh perspective to finish the project.
This is only slightly far-fetched. Managers, just like doctors, don’t realize what a huge impact they have on others’ lives, most of us don’t. We can prescribe Advil® in medicine and buckling down in business or we can treat those who come to us in a holistic, encouraging, inspiring way. These prescriptions would have far more impact and success both personally and professionally.
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